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Versión Española

Nov 16th

ETSI Telecomunicación (UPM) Madrid, Spain

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We lining up some of the most relevant industry leaders in Big Data for keynote sessions. The time limit to submit proposals is over so we will soon reveal the definitive list of speakers.

13:00 ~ 13:45
Salón de actos (Building C)

Jordan Tigani

Google Software Developer - BigQuery
  • english
  • simultaneous translation available

Google BigQuery by Jordan Tigani | Big Data Spain

Google knows Big Data - Our web applications scale to hundreds of millions of users and petabytes of data. Google has developed custom technologies to analyze this data and make intelligent product decisions. We’ve started to open up some of these technologies as APIs which allow developers to concentrate on their business problems, while Google handles the underlying infrastructure.

Google BigQuery is a Big Data analysis tool born from an internal technology known as Dremel. BigQuery enables developers to analyze terabyte-sized data sets in seconds using a RESTful API and a SQL-like query language. We'll demonstrate how you can incorporate Google BigQuery into your own applications, and how queries are processed underneath the covers. We’ll also show examples mining the Freebase knowledge graph and demos built by other developers like you.

  • - Introduce BigQuery and talk a bit about how it works
  • - Show how BigQuery is different from other Big Data offerings
  • - Demonstrate end-to-end scenarios using BigQuery to solve Big Data problems