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Versión Española

Nov 16th

ETSI Telecomunicación (UPM) Madrid, Spain

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We lining up some of the most relevant industry leaders in Big Data for keynote sessions. The time limit to submit proposals is over so we will soon reveal the definitive list of speakers.

16:15 ~ 17:00
Aula Magna (Building A)

Francesc Alted

Software architect - Continuum Analytics
  • español

Memory efficient applications by Continuum Analytics

There is a trend for CPU performance to increase at a faster rate than memory buses, which is creating a big problem of data starvation in current CPUs. This has a lot of implications on how the computing applications should handle the data in order to achieve optimal performance, In my talk I'll describe several techniques to cope with this problem. We will also see how, curiously enough, compressing data can help computations go faster. Finally, and based on the above, I'll show some implementations of efficient data containers for hosting Big Data.

  • - Memory efficient computation
  • - Compression
  • - Optimized data containers for Big Data