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Versión Española

Nov 16th

ETSI Telecomunicación (UPM) Madrid, Spain

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We lining up some of the most relevant industry leaders in Big Data for keynote sessions. The time limit to submit proposals is over so we will soon reveal the definitive list of speakers.

15:30 ~ 16:15
Salón de actos (Building C)

Brendan McAdams

Software Engineer working on MongoDB
  • english
  • simultaneous translation available

mongoDB by Brendam McAdams at Big Data Spain 2012

One important way to make Big Data small is to use tools like open-source MongoDB to enable real-time analytics on huge data sets. Even technologies like Hadoop tend to be too slow and too cumbersome for most developers.

In this presentation, Brendam McAdams will argue that making Big Data powerful means making it useful to the business, and not merely to data scientists. While pointing to the benefits of MongoDB for a variety of use cases, he will focus on the broader implications of technologies and approaches that can make Big Data small.