November 7th and 8th 2013

Kinépolis Madrid, Spain



We lining up some of the most relevant industry leaders in Big Data for keynote sessions. The time limit to submit proposals is over so we will soon reveal the definitive list of speakers.

Open Innovation - Workshop BBVA | BDS13

BBVA provides a dataset with dissociated card transaction prior registration to their developers platform. The deadline for contestants end on december 3rd. Big Data Spain hosts a workshop to support BBVA Open Innovation's data challenge. Do register and propose your project to the contest sponsored by BBVA Open Innovation. The contest is the first time a bank has opened an API with data from real commercial activity. The contest, whose prizes sum up to 90,000 € in total, will be a test of how Big Data is revolutionizing the way of generating and consuming information. In order to be able to follow this workshop, do register on BBVA's Developer Portal starting on November 1st and PRIOR to November 7th.

You will receive an e-mail with confirmation and indication of your access codes to our API. More info: Centro de Innovación de BBVA
The session will consist in:

Introduction to Innova Challenge, a cargo de José Antonio Gallego(BBVA open innovation) - 5 minutes

  • Introducción
  • Objetivos del concurso
Workshop Esteban Moro (ICC) - 40 minutes

  • Como obtener datos del Dataset y como trabajar con ellos en distintos formatos
  • Ejercicios prácticos extrayendo los valores del Dataset
  • Construcción de aplicaciones

If you have any doubt or question about BBVA Innova Challenge, send us an e-mail to: