The 3rd edition of Big Data Spain in Nov 2014 was a resounding success.
Watch the video below and find out why our attendees, speakers, partners and friends turned Big Data Spain into one of the largest events in Europe about Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL and cloud technologies.

15:00 ~ 15:30, November 18th
Sala 5

EMC Pivotal, Stratio and GFT Group round table BigDataSpain

In 2013, the conference Big Data Spain managed to convey the message that Big Data does not have to be the expensive, complicated and cumbersome dragon that corporations did not dare to deal with.
As in all hype cycles, the meaning of buzzwords like Big Data often gets lost in translation. Are case studies the best way to explain Big Data to the top management and decision makers?
How is the enterprise world adopting Big Data in 2015? Which are the good news and the challenges ahead?

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