Big Data Spain

17th ~ 18th NOV 2016 MADRID, SPAIN #BDS16

Open data : from Insight to Visualisation with Google BigQuery and

Thursday 17th

from 16:30 to 17:10

Theatre 25



Giga-, peta-, IoT... Big Data can be a big problem if you don't have the right tools! With today's competitive Cloud offerings, raw storage is no longer the problem. Our current challenge is how to gain insights from ever-larger volumes of data, and how to meaningfully visualise and present our findings. In this conference, Google software engineer Thomas Park will look at some compelling uses of Open Data in both social and commercial contexts, and present powerful tools for working with these datasets through live, hands-on examples. We will use Open Data to answer questions such as "how does public opinion compare for recent Spanish presidents?" and "where is the most dangerous intersection in Madrid?"

Thomas Park foto

Thomas Park

BigQuery GoogleSenior Software Engineer