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Ruben Martinez

Data Scientist

Computer Engineer by UPM and Master in Data Science. I have developed courses such as the title of Project Development with UML and Java also taught by UPM, CEH, Cloudera Developer Training for Apache Hadoop, Cloudera Developer Training for Apache Spark, Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark (Databricks) among others. I have worked as a security auditor in a startup called StackOverflow as well as professor of the Postgraduate in Computer Security and Systems Hacking in the Polytechnic University School of Mataró or the online superior title of Computer Security and Hacking Systems Ethics of the Rey Juan Carlos University. I have also participated as a co-author of hacking books of Ra-Ma publishing house such as Hacking and Web Page Security (MundoHacker), Hacking and Internet Security Ed. 2011, etc. Also I have developed the University Superior Course in Robot Programming with ROS (URJC). I am currently working as Data Scientist in Datahack.